The Code Monkey Division is ready to supply a wide variety of useful Discord and Twitter bots. Here we describe their functions and capabilities in detail.

Wenlaunch Bot

The Wenlaunch bot is our own custom-made multipurpose bot built specifically for the needs of Wenlaunch and Wenlaunch users and customers. It has several important and exciting functions. All the below commands are available as slash commands as well.

First, the Wenlaunch Bot monitors submissions to our platform 🔗. Every time there is a new project added to the calendar, the bot picks it up and sends an embed message, containing general information and links, to a dedicated Discord channel. This can be done in multiple servers at the same time. In fact, it can be sent into tens and hundreds of Discord servers concurrently. This gives unique exposure to a new project and the ability to be seen in many servers by a wide audience.

Second, with the *upcoming(/upcoming) command, the bot is instructed to fetch and display the 5 closest upcoming projects. It shows their basic info, launch time, launch prices and links in an embed message. The command can be called in any channel that the server admin gives permission to.

Third, the *upcoming embed message also contains a ‘Featured’ section, which is an extra advertisement space that is displayed every time the command is called. Imagine a billboard that people see every time they scroll past this message, that anyone else could have called up. Placement in the Featured section is part of our promotional services.

Fourth, the *featured command displays a detailed message with all info for the project that is currently on the Featured banner. It can be used in any channel, based on the admin’s permissions.

Fifth, the *wenlaunch command displays a detailed message about any project in the Wenlaunch database. It is used in the form *wenlaunch [project-name] and as long as the project is available on 🔗, the bot will display the associated information, dates, prices etc. The command can be called in any channel that the server admin gives permission to.

Sixth, the voting feature is available from the *upcoming page. Clicking the ‘Vote’ button opens up a tab, where users can voice their opinion on the listed projects (see below). Favourite projects can be upvoted and lower-quality ones downvoted. The votes are immediately synced into the database and shown in the list. The voting feature enables the whole community to show their sentiment on individual upcoming projects, help investors decide what to research and potentially protect members from suspicious projects. Voting is limited to 5 votes/user/24hours. Votes are counted throughout ALL servers that host the Wenlaunch bot. User cooldown also applies across all servers.

You may be interested in reading our Medium article we wrote about the Wenlaunch bot below (includes a graphical guide as well):

**How-To Wenlaunch Bot** 🔗

This bot requires the following permissions: